January 2023









Squish "Avocado Dreaming"


There are three different flavours of gummy bears in this bag of gummies, one of them makes total sense, the other two are a little more mysterious. I’ll say that they’re mysterious in a fun way because I did enjoy eating this entire bag of gummies. I did enjoy the less mysterious flavour a little more, but the other two flavours were fine enough.

The obvious and simple flavour was the yellow lemon gummy bears. They were not only full of tasty lemon flavour, but the sourness of all of the gummy bears worked really well with the lemon flavour. I’d happily eat a whole bag of these lemon bears, although it might take me a little while as the more of these bears you eat the more your mouth starts to pucker.

The other two colour of bears is where the mystery started. Based on just the package I would say that the green one is supposed to be mango flavoured and the red(ish) one is supposed to be watermelon. I should say that I didn’t really pay attention to the package when I first tasted these bears, and my assumption was that the red one was some kind of berry flavour while the green was lime. While trying to figure out the flavours by reading the package and eating a few more bears, I started to taste the watermelon flavour in the red bears. The green bears still tasted very lime to me, but an odd lime flavour. I think the problem is that avocado has a real subtle flavour and the sourness of all of these gummy bears started to skew the flavour a little.

One thing worth noting about these gummies (beyond the fact that they were vegan) is that there is real fruit products including real avocado in them. I think that’s pretty cool and makes up a bit for the fact that they may not have really worked from a flavour perspective. I feel like the problem with these gummies is the intensity of the sour powder on the outside. It worked for the lemon flavour, but since I’ve never eaten/enjoyed a sour watermelon or avocado it just killed those flavours. If you could somehow just make the lemon bears sour and keep the other bears sweet, I think these bears would have worked much better and I would have had no problem figuring out the flavours.