May 2023




Smiej Zelki


There are some things I love about these gummies and some things I don’t really enjoy that much. I should say however that the things I don’t like about these gummies is pretty minor. It isn’t that any of these gummies have a particularly bad flavour or texture. There are just a few weird small details about these Smiej Zelki gummy fruits that make them less than perfect.

The biggest problem with these gummies is the intensity of the flavour. While it did work in some cases (read more to find out where it worked), for the most part the flavours are so subtle that in some cases I would have had a hard time trying to figure out what flavour they’re supposed to be. Another problem with these gummies focuses on the orange gummies in particular. There appeared to be two different shapes of orange gummies in this bag, one looks similar to the lemon slice, while the other looks like a mandarin orange slice. In general, I don’t like it when candies double up on a particular flavour when you have a mixed flavoured candies like this. I’m even more disappointed when the two flavours are basically the same. So basically each flavour gets one shape except the orange seems to get two. My final problem is more of a mystery, there an odd shaped candy in this mix that’s kind of brown/red and it looked like a lemon cut in half. My best guess is that it’s supposed to be strawberry, but the flavour was so subtle that I truly can’t tell.

While it appears that this candy is all wrong, I want to end on the good points of this candy. I should note that the good outweighs the bad significantly with this candy. The look and texture of these gummies is fantastic. While the shapes are somewhat confusing (a green leaf is lime and the cherries look like... well let’s just say they’re slightly obscene), the colour quality and beautiful transparency is great. The texture is also a delight. Each gummy is strong enough to give some resistance, but not so bad that my jaw was in pain by the end of the bag. They really felt like high quality gummy candies.

The last candy I want to mention is the banana candy. Normally I would rail against the banana flavoured candy and likely pick it out as the worst. I say this because banana candies are often so overpowering that they knock out all of the other flavour in any kind of mixed candy. In this case however, the subtle flavour worked very well with the banana. While there is no doubt that it is banana flavoured, the flavour is subtle and actually blends well with the other gummies. I guess I’m giving this banana candy props for having little flavour.