Gummy Orange


Sometimes I hate when I find a new candy. I like it because I get all excited about it, and then I can tell the world about this new find. I hate it because I worry if I happened to have missed this treat in the past, and maybe the rest of the world has known about it for years. That makes me look like an unprofessional Candy Critic. What will people think of me, how will they treat me on the street? Will they stare and point saying, "hey there's Chris, the guy that only just tried gummy oranges"? Well I'm going out on a limb today. See I've never seen gummy oranges before.

I've seen many other orange citrus fruits, even mandarins, but never regular oranges as these claim to be. It seems like someone should have already come out with orange gummies before. Gummies have been popular since the 1980s, and orange is one of the most popular candy flavours ever. It just seems likely that someone has already done this. The strange thing is, I’ve never come across it before.

Flavour wise these gummies are pretty good; they have a nice tangy flavour. The flavour is a fake orange but it's still orange. With the additional tangy flavour, it helps sell that fake flavour as more legitimate. The thing that throws me off is the shape; it looks too much like a pineapple for my liking. I'd prefer to have something a little rounder at the bottom and less tear drop shaped. I've seen gummies in all shapes and sizes and I find no excuse for this treat to be round just like a real orange.