There’s one detail about these gummy carrots I just don’t understand. I don’t get why they would flavour these gummies orange. The logical guess is that because they are mostly orange coloured, then if you have to give them a fruity flavour, orange is the logical conclusion. If you look at the shape of these gummies as being abstract, I guess that makes sense. The problem I have is that the shape is not abstract at all, these are shaped like a food that most certainly has its own flavour. The flavour of this food is no where near tasting like an orange.
You probably assume that this is a ridiculous problem. Of course they’re not going to make these gummies carrot flavoured. It seems only logical that you make them a flavour everyone is familiar with. Any flavour would do, but since the featured colour is orange, it seems totally logical to flavour these orange. That is a logical way to think, but I disagree.
Part of me does wish that they flavoured these gummies carrot. I’m not saying I would have loved the flavour, but I would have really had a lot of respect for the creators of this candy for going out on a limb. Carrot is not a completely illogical gummy flavour either, it’s very sweet as far as vegetables go and it actually does blend well with fruit flavours. Sure it may have been a little weird, but I feel like it might have worked, or at the very least it would have been really interesting.
Even if you move away from flavouring these with the essence of carrot, I feel like there are some fruits out there that are closer to carrot, or work well with carrot that might have been better. Even if it was a nondescript fruit flavour I would have been happier. As it stands right now my mouth is kind of confused. My brain is trying to connect the dots between carrots and orange, and I just can’t make the connection. I enjoyed eating these gummies, the orange taste was nice and the texture was great, but the orange flavour just didn’t line up with the shape.