Weird Gummies


I love a candy when the name of the candy is also a description of the candy. I can't tell you why, but this idea just entertains me. Since there are so many types of gummies in this package, I don't think I'll review each candy individually, unless I taste or see something really unique about any of them. What I'll do instead is see how much fun I can have with my bag of Weird Gummies (or as they say in French, "Gummies Bizarres").

Each of these Weird Gummies is individually packaged, so the first thing I'm going to do is open all the packages. Why would I do that? Well, I want to make a hideous creature out of all these monstrous parts. A horrible, yet fruity-flavoured creature. I must say that the overpackaging is a little excessive. Even beyond the environmental aspect, I just don't need more steps between my gummy creature and me.

I have to say I'm having more fun making gummy creatures than I am eating the parts. Each gummy pretty much tastes the same; fruity of some sort. Not that I expected a huge variety in flavour, it just would have been a nice surprise.

The shape of the parts themselves are the highlight of this candy, except for the fact that both feet were left feet and the fingers just looked like lumps. A whole gummy hand would have been more fun than lumpy fingers. The eyes were the best-looking treat in the bunch, they may creep me out for a few days.

I had a really fun time making a hideous creature and here's my gummy creation. I call him Ted.