Recently I told my friends that I was heading to IKEA, I asked them what kind of sweet treat I should get while I was there. One of my friends, from a Nordic country, told me that IKEA candy had gone down hill. She said that they no longer carried treats you might find in Sweden, but carried IKEA brand treats instead. She claimed that these IKEA brand sweets weren't the same. I'll be honest, this intrigued me even more to try these new sweets out.
The first thing that impressed me about this treat was the silly Swedish name. Let me make this perfectly clear, I'm not making fun of Swedish people, their culture, or anything about Sweden. I have Swedish friends, I love Swedish culture, and if I had the chance to live there, I would really consider it. The thing that makes many Swedish names funny is the way they're translated into English. In most cases I'd say it's the English languages fault more than the Swedish language.
This treat has a few other pluses other than just a silly name. First of all, the many different shapes found in each bag is pretty amazing, I found at least 7 of them. While there were two pairs that looked pretty much the same, the rest were totally unique in shape. The only shape that confused me at first was the white apple, I thought it might have been a pumpkin at first. Colour and flavour wise they were also all unique, and that's great.
The fault I found with these gummies was the flavours. They do have a nice tart flavour, but the flavours are a little weak. After eating a few I started having trouble truly defining each flavour, and the tartness started to take over my mouth. I also noticed that few of them seemed to have a slight licorice taste, and that's just not cool.