Fruit Tips


Look at that crazy face on the pack. Look at it staring back at me with the "I dare you" attitude. "I dare you to eat this candy” it’s telling me. Well eat it I did, and you know what? Nothing. I really didn’t get much out of this gummy candy. Being drawn in by a package, only to be disappointed is a very sad day indeed. Makes me wonder why I review candy in the first place.

What you get in each roll is a bunch of gummies with a slightly kind of crunchy exterior covered in sugar. I guess if I really thought about it, they’re a little tart, but nothing like what I was expecting based on the package. The fruit flavour is also pretty sparse, again not what I was expecting based on the package. I guess if you had to relate it to another candy, I would say wine gums, but a lot less intense and less chewy. This is something I like a lot about wine gums and likely why I found these to be disappointing.

I have to say if you're looking for a fun pack of gummies there are better choices that could be made. If you're looking for wacky faces… You know I think I’ve seen wackier too.