I think the idea of champagne gummy bears works a lot better than the reality of champagne gummy bears. For example, if you're having a wedding and you want to put some candies out in tall glasses at each table as a cute play on champagne, then these are perfect. They're a nice clear colour with a hint of pink and yellow just like the famous bubbly drink.
The taste might be close to champagne; they're a little sour and just a little fruity. The sour although not perfect does give these bears a "dry" champagne flavour. The part where these bears fall flat, pun intended, is the famous champagne fizz. Champagne without fizz is simply a white wine, so by texture and flavour standards these are white wine gummy bears and not champagne. I imagine that candy technology has a way to make gummies fizzy, and I think these would have been the perfect choice to do that.
While I'm disappointed that these aren't fizzy, it does bring up an interesting idea, why not make red and white wine gummy bears. The flavours work, and some wines have really nice fruity flavours that would work perfectly.