

In its simplicity this bar works, in fact it may work better in theme than the bars it most resembles. Since I don't know when the Tropica bar was created, I can't say that it's a copy of the Bounty or Mounds bar. I can say however that it seems to fit the theme of a coconut square covered in chocolate a little better. The two other aforementioned bars don't really sell the "tropical" theme, and that's a little strange considering the main ingredient in both is coconut, a tropical fruit (or nut). So the fact that this bar has a tropical sounding name, and tropical themed package makes it a little more on theme than the other two bars.

The downfall of this bar for me is the fact that I generally don't like coconut bars. It's not something I'd ever pick for myself, but I realize that it’s only my opinion. If you're a fan of coconut covered in chocolate, this bar will suit you fine. It's not the highest quality chocolate covered coconut treat I've ever had, that distinction would probably go to some of the fine chocolate shops I've visited in the past. However this bar holds up perfectly well to it's American counterparts.

So while this bar is really nothing to write home about, it's perfectly fine for those that might enjoy coconut based treats. Most importantly it's got a picture of a coconut tree on it, so you pretty much know what you're getting into.