September 2024

Toblerone "Swiss Dark Chocolate with Honey & Almond Nougat"


From what I understand, this is not a new Toblerone variety, and I’m kind of surprised that I’ve never reviewed it before. It’s actually possible that I’ve never even sampled this version of a Toblerone before, but I’m fairly certain I’ve seen it a lot. I travel through many airports, and I’m pretty sure this is a fairly common Toblerone bar, but for some reason I’ve just never picked it up. It’s a little odd because I like Toblerone, including many of the different varieties of Toblerone bars that they make. I also like a nice dark chocolate, but I’m not sure exactly why I just haven’t given this version a try.

It could be that when I’m at the airport I’m not really thinking about buying candy, at least candy that isn’t native to the country where I’m travelling. It could also be that I’ve only seen this bar in huge size (this particular bar is 360 grams), and I don’t want to lug it around in my carry on luggage. So now that I have one, is it worth it? I’d say you’ll be pretty happy with this bar if you’re a fan of Toblerones. I’m not sure how big a fan you’d be if you really enjoy dark chocolate. I would rank this chocolate as medium on the dark chocolate scale. It’s still fairly sweet, but it has a nice bitter edge.

The nougat also doesn’t help with the sweetness of this bar, if you prefer your chocolate bitter. You could argue that the sweet nougat balances out the dark bitterness, but it might be a little too sticky sweet for some. I enjoyed this bar, and that’s a good thing because I still have a lot left to enjoy, since it’s so big. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen any of the Toblerone varieties available in a normal sized chocolate bar before. From what I remember you can either get a massive bar, or a bag of tiny bars. I think that’s a shame because this bar in a standard bar size might be fairly popular with people. As it stands now it just seems too big to carry on a flight, unless it’s a really long one.