September 2024

Take-It "Yoghurt Berry"


This is a very unique candy bar. As far as I can remember, this is the only candy bar that I know that is both a rip off of a classic candy bar, but an original variety of it. Take-It is a well documented (on this site at least) Kit Kat rip off bar. For the most part it’s not bad, but it’s not as good as the original Kit Kat bar. Recently the Take-It bars have expanded to include green tea as well as dark chocolate varieties. Both of these varieties are also done by Kit Kat, and for the most part I still found the Kit Kat versions to be better. It’s not that this line of bars is bad, it’s just not very original, that is until now.

As far as I know (and correct me if I’m wrong), but Kit Kat has never done a yoghurt berry variety of their bar. If I’m wrong I’d be happy to give it a try, but as far as I can tell from the many Kit Kat bars I’ve tried, there is no a yoghurt berry variety. So right off the bat this adds a few points for creativity. The other great thing about this new variety is that Delfi (the makers of this bar) actually did an okay job with the flavour. It’s both fruity, creamy and a little tart, just like a fruity yoghurt should be. It’s maybe a little sweeter than I would have ultimately liked, but it’s not bad. The wafers even work nicely with the berry and yoghurt flavour almost making it feel like you’re having a bowl of granola with fruit and yoghurt.

This bar does bring up an interesting possibility. Hypothetically, if I’m right and Kit Kat has not made a yoghnurt themed fruit bar, if they do eventually make one, then they would be copying the copy cat. I don’t know if any candy bar has ever done that before. I can’t seem to remember a copy cat candy ever being creative like this, as well as being so successful with their creativity. I just think it might be interesting to see if Kit Kat tries their hands at this flavour, but they’ll have to really hit it out of the park or risk being the copy cat themselves.