September 2023






T Queen "Caramel"

Chocolat Lamontagne

On paper there’s no reason this chocolate bar should be bad at all, but it kind of is. It wasn’t bad in a way that made me want to spit it out, instead it was bad in a way that made me disappointed. I was disappointed that someone would make a bar like this. Just about every aspect of this bar felt cheap. I don’t remember how much it cost, but I believe it was a fairly inexpensive bar. I guess you could say I got what I paid for, but I guess I was hoping to be surprised.

There really wasn’t any part of this bar that felt like it was made with any kind of quality ingredients. The chocolate was very waxy and it felt like it was fairly low in cocoa. There was also a weird gritty texture to the chocolate that felt very weird. The caramel tasted more like a caramel flavoured syrup than an actual caramel. I guess one could argue that the neither ingredient overpowered the other, and there was some balance, the problem is each ingredient was not on the high end in the balance.

One interesting thing happened with this bar that I can’t remember ever happening before with any candy bar. The last square that I ate had a hole in it. This isn’t that uncommon with caramel filled bars, and I often don’t fault a bar if it does happen. In this case however, the caramel in the square with the hole had crystallized into crunchy sugar crystals. I’ve never seen anything like this before with caramel, and I’m not even sure if it’s something that can happen to caramel if it gets exposed to the elements.

This was not a great bar, I feel like it was inexpensive, but I feel like that’s not really an excuse. One problem I have with cheap chocolate is that it doesn’t satisfy. I feel like I’d be happier with a lot less chocolate for a cheaper price because a small amount of high quality chocolate satisfies more.