November 2022





Scorpion Sucker "Strawberry"


There are really two different parts of this lollipop, the hard candy on a stick and a bug. It’s not like the bug somehow managed to blend in perfectly with the lollipop. Bugs, particularly those that have been preserved, have a very particular flavour, and that flavour is nothing like a strawberry lollipop. I would describe the flavour of a bug as being something like the way fish food smells. I can’t say that it’s how fish food tastes since I’ve never eaten fish food. This makes sense though because many fish foods contain bits of small crustaceans, and bugs are related to crustaceans.

I think I can safely say that the bug was not really tasty, and did not go well with the strawberry flavour, there was however something very unique and good about this candy. The lollipop was able to distribute the bug very evenly. After about 20 minutes I started to uncover parts of the bug, and after that bits and pieces started to fall off the bug. So every few minutes I would be delighted with a portion of bug to chew on. There was only one part near the end where the main body separated from the candy where I was truly overwhelmed with bug. Through most of this lollipop the strawberry candy and bug was very evenly distributed.

I feel like this would be a great idea for other candies. Imagine getting a lollipop where there were several little pockets of sour, or popping candy. So as you went through the lollipop you would get little surprises. I’m not sure if this is something you can even achieve with lollipops, but I think it would make for a really fun treat.

Over the years I’ve pretty much lost my fear of eating bugs, so as a stunt food this didn’t impress me much. The strawberry portion of the lollipop was also kind of lacklustre. I guess if bugs were something that made you nervous this might be a fun challenge, but I feel like you’d be selling yourself short both in the quality of the bug and the quality of the lollipop.