September 2024



Ritz Toasted Chips "Original"


Everything you need to know about this bag of snacks is written on the back of the package. In fact it’s the first time I’ve ever read a perfect description printed on any package of any snack or candy. The back of the package says “Plain & Crunchy”. While this maybe be a rather underwhelming way to describe a snack in an attempt to sell this snack, it is perfectly accurate.

What you have here are a bag of wheat based snacks baked in random shapes. If I was to describe the flavour I would say that the dough of the snack is a little sweet, but the outside is covered in salt. There really is no other flavour than sweet and salty, with a hint of dough. Texture wise is probably where these shine the most. I’ll talk about this more below, but one can’t argue that these simply look like a bag of crackers, and they are... kind of. The snap of these “chips” is a bit stronger than that of an average cracker. It’s almost what you might get if you merged a dense potato chip with a cracker.

I can’t really ignore the elephant in the room, there are many people out there that are going to argue that this bag of snacks is in fact not a candy. Even those that feel that it’s okay for me to review potato chips might argue that this doesn’t really fit in that category too. I can’t totally disagree, but there are a few things that might make this fit more into the snack (like pretzel and potato chips) category than simply being a cracker.

First and foremost they are being marketed as snacks, and I found these for sale in the chip/snack isle with the other salty snacks. This store also had a full section in the cracker isle dedicated to Ritz crackers and these were not to be found there. The name also implies that these are trying to be a snack and not a cracker “Toasted Chips”. They also made these snacks in various different shapes that kind of resemble the shapes of potato chips, even more so than some potato chip companies out there (I’m looking at you Pringles). While I can’t argue that these resembled crackers a bit, the marketing and maybe even the texture tells me otherwise.