Puchitto Kudamono "Orange"


This is not really a pretty candy; even the package doesn't really show this candy in a favourable light. On the package, each little orange slice looks like something a kindergarten kid might make with plasticine, and that represents the real look of this candy fairly accurately. Each little orange slice looks like a marshmallow from a box of lucky charms. They're kind of fun to rip apart, as shown on the package, but the orange colour is really light, and they're very misshapen.

When I first bit into this treat, I was expecting marshmallow, but it's not really what they are. The texture is soft and chewy, but it's very different than a standard marshmallow. I would describe these Puchitto Kudamono as more like a soft bubble gum texture, in fact I thought at first that maybe it was gum. The thing is, unlike gum, this candy does eventually dissolve in your mouth. They are a fairly pleasant texture to chew, and much better than marshmallows in my opinion.

The flavour is unmistakably orange, orange Tang to be precise. It's a very strong flavour, a little sour/bitter, but very similar to Tang. If you like the flavour of Tang, which I do, then you'll probably really enjoy these.

I really wish they spent just a little more time and effort towards making these Puchitto Kudamono look a little better, because that was really the only fault I could find with them. The texture of this treat seems like it would be easy to shape into a more detailed (and still detachable) orange shape, so why they didn’t go for it, I don’t know. The flavour may be a little too fake and strong for some people, but I really enjoyed it.