August 2024



Nom Noms Sours Mini Marshmallows "Apple"

Blooming Foods

If I was to ever place a bet that I wouldn’t enjoy a candy, this one would be a sure thing. I’ll tell you right off the bat that I don’t love this candy, but surprisingly not for reasons I thought it would go wrong. There are a few candy flavours and categories that I’m not a big fan, fake apple and marshmallows are both on that list. I really enjoy real apples, but for some reason most apple flavoured candies just don’t do it for me. This was only amplified in this case because I happened to have eaten a real apple right before doing this review. Marshmallows are something that I’m very picky about, fine, hand made marshmallows can be delightful, but fake spongy marshmallows are often horrible.

So at its best, this treat would really have to pull out some amazing things to work. The surprising part of this treat is actually how much it didn’t taste like fake apples, the problem is that it really didn’t taste like anything at all. There was a slight tart flavour, far from sour, but I had a really hard time tasting any apple flavour fake or real. The marshmallow texture was exactly the way I hate it, like biting into one of those malleable earplugs (or so I imagine). So it was a flavourless, spongy snack with a weird slightly tart after taste.

I’m not really sure what made me buy these, maybe it was that there were so many things about it that I thought wouldn’t work. As it turns out I was right, and then some. There was very little redeeming qualities for me in this treat, I’m not really sure who these are made for either. They’re just not that great, if you like fake apple you’ll be disappointed, if you hate it you’ll still be disappointed.