Pocky "Milk"


What can I possibly say about Pocky that I already haven't said about a million times before? Maybe it hasn’t actually been a million times, but it felt like a million times. The cool thing about Pocky is it's a new candy; well it's not really that new, in fact some places (like Japan) around the world have had Pocky for a really long time. I guess I’m just happy to have a new treat to me, that I can talk about on this site. It is also kind of a new global treat, since it’s only recently been available outside of Asia. It's also one of the few treats that I don't mind the many varieties offered, it’s a treat that works well with different flavours and textures. This leads me to this particular variety of Pocky.

Milk flavour is always a bit of a mystery to me, mainly because I don't think milk really has that strong a flavour, or at least a flavour that’s very memorable. If I had to compare this flavour to anything, I'd have to say its kind of a vanilla white chocolate. I could describe the taste as creamy as well, so I guess as a "milk" flavoured product it does pretty well.

I also want to add how cool the cow on the front of the box is. I normally don’t talk about packaging that much, but nothing is stranger than seeing a cow with a glass of milk. I guess if you think about it, a cow drinking a glass of milk makes more sense than a person drinking a glass of (cows) milk. This is a fine treat, it tastes creamy, although a little bit more vanilla than straight milk. I would still say it’s another score for the folks at Glico, sure it's not overly creative or anything, but it's still pretty yummy.