IQ Elements "Lemon Green-T Mint"


Why don't we look at this particular treat as I strip it away layer by layer?

First of all, the package, it's elegant, well designed simple and classy. For a mint a simple and classy package is not a bad thing because I feel that mints are generally sold to adults. Kids don't really care about their breath but sophisticated grown ups do. I unfortunately am not a sophisticated adult or a kid, but I like a good design.

After opening the package, I look at the mints and think to myself, maybe they could have done something to make them not look like vitamins. I realise that these aren't meant for kids, but that doesn't mean scary green pill like candies with random flecks aren’t also intimidating to adults. Much less I don’t think they’re very appetizing to adults either.

So now I'm eating it, and it's actually not that bad. The lemon mint flavour keeps making me expect a really bad medicine flavour. It’s probably because these two flavours kind of taste a little like cough drops. The lemon is super sour, and I kind of like that. The mint is a dull but slightly cool flavour, to be honest the candy could do without the mint flavour but then they wouldn't be mints then would they.

I'm not sure where the “Green-T” comes in because I really don't taste it at all, the lemon and mint are the only flavour I can taste. I would hope it’s some kind of tea extract and not just a gimmick since they don’t actually use the word “tea” in the name. In the end I'm not sure how much better my breath is because I'm sitting here in my office all alone with no one to smell my breath.