July 2024







La-La "Salt and Vinegar"


I bought these salty snacks because there was a picture of a fish on them. It’s not only a picture of a fish, but it’s a realistic picture of a fish that seemed slightly unnerving. I’m generally not a fan of fish flavoured things, but this had an advantage in that it also included one of my favourite combinations of flavours as well, salt and vinegar. My gut reaction is that any flavour doesn’t really work with fish flavoured things, however after a few moments of contemplation I realize that salt and vinegar is actually one of the most perfect flavours to go with fish. Salt and vinegar are pretty much the perfect toppings for the battered fish you get with your fish and chips.

The package also describes these as being crackers, but I might argue that a little. They could be considered crackers, but I would say they’re closer to a puffed snack. Fortunately the fish flavour isn’t very strong, unfortunately the salt and vinegar flavour is also kind of weak. The puffy cracker flavour really seems to dominate. The salty flavours not bad, but as for the fish or vinegar flavour, they’re barely an after tastes. The vinegar is also more of just a sour feeling than an actual vinegar flavour like you might get with a nice balsamic vinegar.

If it wasn’t for the giant fish staring at you on the store shelf, I’m not sure you’d even know that these are fish flavoured. You might say they’re a little fishy, but it’s not something that beats you over the head. I’m a big fan of intense salt and vinegar flavour and this just doesn’t have it. These are subtly flavoured, and I guess that’s okay, but I feel like the package is implying that there should be a stronger flavour going on.

If you’re at the store and this package grabs your attention, you’re going to be disappointed. If you happen to try these at a party, after they’ve been poured into a bowl, you might be okay with them, but I’m pretty sure they won’t be the most memorable thing you taste that night.