Strange Little Sugar Crystals


I bought this treat out of sheer curiosity, and that's about it. I saw cute little critters on the front of the package, and the strange little meteor shaped sugar crystals in the bag, and my interest was peaked. That and I couldn't read a word of the package, that always gets me as well. There's a little tip for those that want me to review their treats on this site, make sure I can't read anything on the package, or if I can read anything it's random and not the main text. Add in a few fun characters and I'm sure to review your treat. I'm also sure to be slightly nervous when I bite into any treat when I can’t read the package because I won't really have any idea as to what I'm eating. This can make for great suspense, and build up some hype for your candy.

I figured in the best case scenario, biting into these little nuggets I might get something fruity or maybe even a little sour. I figured in the worst case situation I would get something that just tasted really bad... maybe perfumy or something licorice like. I was wrong, the worst situation I could get it that they tasted like nothing at all, just sweet, because that's what I got. After reading the back of the package (they had English translations of the ingredients) I read that it contained sugar and artificial colours, that’s all.

So, the flavour sucked, but what about the texture? It was actually pretty good. There’s something about a sugar crystal that just feels good to crunch on. Maybe it's because I know I'm just eating sugar and I know the energy boost I'm about to get will be great, but the feeling these little nuggets gave me when I bit into them was ok.