October 2024

Koala's March "Fermented Butter Flavour"


I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I bought these cookies. I know what Koala’s are, they’re small koala shaped cookies with some kind of cream inside, but I was very confused about the flavour. The only indicator I had was there appears to be something that looks like butter on the top of the package. There’s also an example of a Koala on the package with the word “butter” written on it. The simple guess is that these are butter flavoured, but it seemed a little odd. Most of the time when you have butter on a package it’s used to imply something that uses butter or might be topped with butter. Something like butter cookies, or maybe even pancakes.

The flavour of these most certainly implies a true butter flavour, but a very manufactured butter. I feel like there’s some kind of flavour that gives it a raw dough quality, as well as some vanilla. If I was to choose a flavour that best matches these it would be pancakes, but with a few caveats. First of all it tastes like pancakes without any maple syrup, and with lots of extra butter. Strangely, I know this because sometimes when we have leftover pancakes at our house I’ll be known to pull one out, warm in up and just eat it with butter. The odd thing about these however is that the butter doesn’t taste like real butter.

The butter tastes like something that’s trying to be butter, but isn’t exactly cutting it. Upon some investigation, and some translation, the package seems to say that this might be “fermented butter” flavoured. I’m not sure if I’ve ever tasted fermented butter before, I’ve tasted gee, but I don’t think that’s fermented. So maybe fermented butter tastes a little like butter but not exactly.

If I take away all of the mystery and look at these cookies objectively, I would say that they taste creamy, but not realistic. They’re interesting, and if you’re adventurous you might want to give them a try. I don’t know if I’d ever seek these out again, but they do make me wonder about fermented butter.