July 2024



Justice League Pop With Ring Fruit Candy "Orange"


I’ll just let you know that I got the Superman logo as my ring pop. On the bottom right of the package you can see tiny examples of what these ring pops are supposed to look like, and if you look closely you can see that it’s the logos for many of the characters. I’ll also say that my ring pop was orange, both in colour and flavour. The downfall of this candy is not in the concept, but in the execution, because there were several simple things you could have done to this lollipop like candy to make it absolutely awesome, but really it was mediocre at best.

The biggest problem was the condition my ring pop was in. It’s totally possible that the reason my ring pop wasn’t in great condition was because of the warm weather where I bought it. But seeing as this is a candy made in Thailand, you’d think that it was very likely that it would always be sold in hot climates. My Superman logo was very rounded around the edges, and had I not known that it was supposed to be super hero logos I probably wouldn’t have really known what shape it was supposed to be. I also feel like they could have added a little bit of extra to the logo, like a layer of colour to make the details of the Superman S stand out a bit. Finally, why was my Superman logo orange, why not make all of the colours to match the characters colours?

The candy itself was fine, a simple fairly fake orange flavour that we’re all used to. The shape was a little challenging to suck on, but after a while I got used to it. As always with ring pops, I feel like there was a little more drool than you might find in your average lollipop, but that’s a common problem with all of the ring pop designs. As a candy it was fine, but as a tie in with the Justice League it needs a lot more work.

I just also wanted to mention that I was kind of hopping that not only would I get a Green Lantern ring, but that it would be seriously well themed to the character. Upon further inspection of the package I’m wondering if the Green Lantern and Cyborg even got designs included at all. It kind of makes me sad to think that some Justice Leaguers would be excluded.