Galler Pure Cocoa "Praline Aux Noix"


You can't always tell by a package but often if you see a chocolate bar with a really slick simple design you know you're probably in for some pretty high quality chocolate. The only other sign is the price, if you spend an arm and a leg buying a bar you'd better hope it's pretty good. This package could not get any simpler unless they just handed you a pure black label. If any candy company thinks they have the best chocolate bar ever, I challenge them to do just that. If a bar is great it shouldn’t matter how they package it, word will get around that the bar wrapped in just black is fantastic. I’ll personally give any company daring enough to do that free advertising on my site.

This bar does in fact deliver, it delivers on taste and texture as you would expect a treat with a little orange square and a plain green top. The wrapper is simple and so is the taste, the fine dark chocolate mixes just well with the praline whipped centre and the nut ratio is just nice. Although bigger pieces of nuts may have improved this bar a little, but I wouldn't know for sure unless I tried it.

The only place this bar really falls short is originality, but as I've said before, if you're not going to be original you better be really good at what you do. These guys are really good at what they do, and it shows, both in the bar and on the wrapper.