May 2024









Egg Pudding + Popping Candy


Interactive candy is probably one of my favourite things, surprisingly interactive candy is even better. I will admit that the reason this candy is surprisingly interactive is because the instruction on the package are so poorly written, or at the very least the English instructions are poorly written. The instructions tell you how to prepare this treat, but they don’t really let you know what to expect. There also has to be an assumption that at no time do you ever cook this treat.

The basic idea is that this is a small Asian pudding shaped like a fried egg. It also comes with a little fake frying pan, a spoon and some popping candy. You are to pour the popping candy into the frying pan, then take the egg shaped pudding and place it on top of the popping candy. It doesn’t really make much sense until you actually do it. Once you follow these steps you realize that the popping candy will start to pop due to the moisture of the pudding. The noise of the popping candy makes it sound like your egg is frying. It’s shockingly adorable.

If the only reason candy exists is to put a smile on your face, than this is a totally success. Once that popping sound hit my ears I was totally thrilled. The problem however, is that candy should also be tasty and fun to eat. This is where this candy falls from perfection to just being okay. The flavour of the egg pudding seems to be coconut. I’m not a huge fan of coconut flavoured treats, so I wasn’t a big fan. The popping candy added nothing to the flavour really, it might have been fruity, but it was hard to tell as the flavour of the coconut egg took over. The texture was very much like every flan/Asian pudding, kind of slimy. This works in the egg context, but does make it a little tricky to eat with the tiny spoon provided. I didn’t hate eating this treat, but I much preferred putting it together.

This treat is a lot of fun, but I can’t see myself ever buying it again. It tasted okay, but not great, and it was really tricky to eat.