October 2023

Cookie Pop Popcorn "Nutter Butter"

Snax Sational

Nutter Butters are one of my favourite cookies, and I’m a pretty big fan of popcorn too. It seems like it would make sense that Nutter Butter popcorn would be perfect. Even more perfect is that this popcorn claims that it is not flavoured like Nutter Butters, but instead flavoured with Nutter Butters. There are really only 3 components to this snack, popcorn, Nutter Butters, and a sweet icing like coating that helps it all stick together. The icing component while sweet, doesn’t really add too much flavour to get in the way either, but maybe that’s not a good thing.

I’m not sure if it was a failure in design or execution, but I was left a little disappointed with this treat. It probably has a lot to do with why I wanted to like this treat, and that’s my love of Nutter Butter cookies. What I’m doing my best to say is there is not nearly enough Nutter Butter in this popcorn. There is a background flavour of Nutter Butter, but it’s not that powerful. Some pieces certainly had more powerful flavours of Nutter Butter than others, but on average I could have used a lot more. I also had a hard time finding pieces of the cookie. It’s not that there wasn’t any, as after my first few bites being unable to track them down I searched the bag for some. They did exists in this bag, but I feel like there could have been more, and I also feel like they were kind of hidden with the texture of the popcorn.

I feel like my love of peanut butter cookies in general played against me with this popcorn. I personally would have preferred a much more Nutter Butter flavour and texture in this snack. While I feel like it could use more Nutter Butter, objectively this is some pretty good popcorn. I actually really enjoy the coating they use to bind the cookies to the popcorn, it’s smooth and creamy. The popcorn is also very good. The concept is brilliant, using cookies to flavour popcorn, but I just think it needs a little bit more. Snax Sational has a few other cookie flavours of popcorn, and maybe I’ll give another one a try in the future. Maybe I’ll try one where I’m not such a huge fan of the cookie, to find out if I have a bit of a bias towards the amount of cookie used.