Dark Chocolate Fortune Cookies


This review has a bit of a build up for me. Basically, the folks at Emily's have always been nice to us here at Candy Critic. They let us know what they're doing, and when something new comes out they're always offering us a taste. The thing is, ever since we discovered each other and I checked out their web site I've always been intrigued by they're chocolate covered fortune cookies. I rarely request particular treats because I prefer to let the company pick what they think I'll like more.

This all changed last time the folks at Emily's contacted me. I gave them a little hint that I'd be really interested in trying their fortune cookies. I'm glad I did, because when I opened my box staring at me was a pink box that made me smile.

The good news is not only was the build up grand, but chocolate covered fortune cookies are grand as well. They use a dark chocolate that's a fairly good quality. It's perfect because the slight bitterness of the chocolate balances out the sweet cookie really well. I might say that the chocolate is a little thick, but since it's such nice chocolate you'll really find it hard to complain about.

Basically, I'm sitting at my computer really happy that I'm a Candy Critic right now. And if you even mention that cookies are not candy, all I have to say is decadence like this can't come from a simple cookie.

My fortune: "A friend can bring out the best in you."