Cherry Cream Bell


Hershey must have known I was coming. I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to misrepresentation of shapes, I mean, who isn't? Hershey played it smart with this treat and made sure to pick an easy shape. Easter is generally the easiest time to do this, with eggs, but you have to think a little to come up with simple shapes for Christmas. Nothing is more disappointing than unwrapping a chocolate treat that’s supposed to be shaped like Santa, and it’s just a long featureless log.

If you don't like maraschino cherries, then you'll absolutely hate this treat. Fortunately for me, I love the stuff. The chocolate in these aren't that bad either. It's nothing spectacular, but it seems to hold everything in pretty well. I wouldn't mind a better-quality chocolate, but I always say that, mainly because I'm a chocolate snob.

I should also mention the size. Often treats like this seem to go big, often a little too big. I guess most candy companies figure that bigger is better. The problem is, you can't finish it because it’s just too much. If it's a chocolate treat filled with something like cherry cream you can't store it without leakage as well. These are almost a little too big, considering how sweet the inside is, but I managed to get through mine with the help of a glass of water.