Caotonic Choco


I have to admit that the selling point of this treat is also the part that most disturbs me. From what I can see on the package this is a little chocolate man on a stick. Worst of all (package wise) it appears that the man holding the stick is also the man represented on the stick. That means that he is about to eat a chocolate version of himself. I can't tell you why, but that disturbs me. I can't imagine eating a chocolate version of myself (but if presented with one I probably would).

The treat itself is actually very well represented on the package. The little man on the stick is lacking any detail at all. Basically, it looks really cheaply made and isn't even on the stick as well as it could be. The chocolate itself isn't bad for North American standards, however since this is a European treat I'd have to say that the chocolate is very average.

There seems to be a thin layer of milk like cream in the centre, I can't say for sure, but I don't think it's white chocolate. It does give this bar a much creamier flavour. In this case that's not really a good thing, the creamy flavour completely overshadows any chocolate flavour that might have been in the milk chocolate coating.

As an added bonus/failure when I got to the last bite of my little man on a stick it almost fell apart like the last portion of a popsicle. This is obviously because they don't really pay attention to making sure that it's on the stick perfectly well.

Creepy sure, tasty? Meh.