I Love Brunei Darussalam "Dark Chocolate"


This bar is the perfect example of a trend in chocolate bars that has been around for a very long time, and I imagine it will be around for a long time to come. It’s the tourist chocolate bar. I’ve travelled to so many places all over the world that offer these tourist chocolate bars. These are chocolate bars that are sold to tourists with the implication that the chocolate inside represents the country that is shown on the label. There are some countries that are known for their chocolate, and they produce similar bars, however the difference is in the authenticity and quality of the chocolate.

If you were to buy a tourist chocolate bar in the Brussels airport, I would say that there is proper context for this chocolate. Belgium (the country where you find Brussels) is one of the most famous chocolate producing countries in the world. When you travel in Belgium there are chocolate shops all over the country, some of these chocolate shops could be considered the best chocolate shops in the world. While the bar you’re buying in the airport in Brussels might not be the highest quality chocolate available, at least the theme seems right. This bar on the other hand represents what you often find in countries that aren’t really known for their chocolate.

I’m not an expert in the snacks and treat from Brunei, but I can’t say that I’ve ever heard amazing things about the chocolate there. If someone can prove me wrong, I’d be happy to retract this. So what we appear to have here is a very low quality to average chocolate bar with a picture of a famous site in Brunei. The chocolate has no ties at all to the country, the package is the only link. This is a good thing for Brunei, as the chocolate inside this bar wasn’t great. It’s kind of smooth, and it has a dark flavour, but most of the nice bitter and nutty flavour you get with most dark chocolate’s is lost with way too much sugar. This is a really sweet dark chocolate bar. I love sweet things (I mean I have a website dedicated to candy) but I find this bar to be way too sweet.

Upon further inspection, I found out that the chocolate inside this bar wasn’t even made in Brunei. According to the package it was made in Malaysia. Sure, part of Malaysia shares real estate with Brunei on Borneo, but I still don’t really understand this bar. I’m sure Brunei had many great things to offer, amazing foods and sweets that fit the country better than substandard dark chocolate. Even if the bar isn’t made in Brunei, why not make a bar that celebrates the flavours of this country?