Alfie "Peanut"


I can't really call this a gourmet bar, but considering I paid very little for it, I can't say I was expecting anything amazing. The most negative thing about this bar is something I can only describe as chalk-like. Both the flavour and the texture have something a little chalk-like about it. In the case of the texture that chalkiness takes away from the smooth texture one generally wants from a chocolate bar. From a flavour standpoint it actually gave me something I kind of liked.

The chalky flavour of this bar reminded me that this wasn’t a high-quality chocolate bar, but it did taste a bit like hot chocolate mix. With each bite I was taken back to my childhood, drinking a hot cup of cocoa from cheap powdered mix on a cool Canadian winter. To really enjoy this bar, you have a fit into a rather strict criterion. You have to have grown up drinking cheap powdered cocoa mix, and you have to have fond memories of doing so. You also have to have not had a cup of hot chocolate in a while, so you don’t have a direct comparison, just memories. Then, if you bite into this Alfie bar, you might actually enjoy it a bit.

As for the peanuts, they added a little flavour, but not that much. Texture wise the peanuts had fairly little effect as well. I must say though, there aren't enough peanut filled bars around today, or at least chocolate bars that contain only peanuts. It seems like each time you get a bar with peanuts; it's made of cheap chocolate. It's like the peanut is the poor man's chocolate bar filler of choice.

This is not a great bar; it may not even be a good bar. I liked it because it reminded me of my childhood, but that's probably not a good enough reason for you to go out and get one. I'm sure it's much easier for you to go out and buy some cheap hot chocolate mix instead.